Tuesday, May 26, 2009

With Frequency

Things I have frequently said or done of late...
1. "we don't got this shit in Indiana."
2. "just one more."
3. continually traumatizing my foster cat with kitty leashes, car rides and cuddles
4. strangely enough, trying to communicate with burros, donkeys and mules
5. "where exactly is that?"
6. watching the mysterious lights in my car next to the gauges come on and off whilst feeling vaguely worried
7. thinking alot about canoes
8. seeking out cheaper and cheaper wine. Franzia here I come!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Tia Maria

Funny things that Tia has done:
1. Whilst peering into the toilet yesterday for no apparent reason, I watched Tia slip and fall, face first.
2. Jump onto ledges, table tops, etc., disregarding completely whatever is there and knocking it down.
3. Flinging her litter and shit throughout the bathroom for the sheer joy of it
4. Peering over or under whatever I'm reading
5. Trying to attack moths through the screen door