Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jilter and Jiltee

Sometimes I think everything would be better if I could just play guitar and write some songs.
The only person in the world who I want to sing sad songs about has also stolen all of my blank tapes.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Miss

I should have never packed my bags or set that car on fire, what was I thinking? It might be nice to go to jail tonight.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

No, Seriously

I'm embarrassed now.

Cult of Maggie

It occurred to me this morning that, despite my impression that I update this thing primarily to post funny pictures of myself and Calvin and engage in some mild narcissism and that no one but me actually reads it, maybe people do.

Calvin came to Baltimore with me on Monday to stay for the week. I had big plans for us- visiting Edgar Alan Poe's grave, touring various parks, dining together at sweet outdoor cafes. All my plans have been ruined because CALVIN HATES BALTIMORE. I took him downtown on Tuesday and it has put him off this city for life. Every time we get to the end of my street (in either direction) he lays down and gives me a pathetic look that says "please don't make me go." I was concerned that he was sick or depressed and missing his other special friend but last night I took him out to Owings Mills and we hiked a short trail with a friend in an area called Soldier's Delight and he was as rambunctious as ever. Calvin hates Baltimore and all the street grates and the random men that try to pet him and make the assessment that he looks like a coyote/hyena/deer. He is also dismayed that whenever someone is holding a door open that it is not for him to walk through.
I'm actually a bit alarmed by how much my life revolves around Calvin when he's around. And I'm not sure that this is interesting at all to anyone but me.
But life's been pretty boring this week because Calvin doesn't want to leave Oliver St., so I don't leave Oliver St.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Things I Did Because I Could

1. Wear humorous eye glasses

2. Take a picture of this innocent bystander

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Home, Sweet, Dirty Home

Finally, a place to put my shit and someone to take care of.