I don't feel very strongly about things like this most of the time, but one thing that really bothers me is "punks" with fancy smartphones.
Way to make an anti-corporate, anti-capitalist gesture, man. Not only did you just spend 100+ dollars on a smartphone, but you are also going to pay $50 a month for a data plan? Or are your parents going to pay that for you?
punk + smartphone = yuppie, approximately
It is one thing to buy a smartphone, it is another to profess some beliefs and then take action directly opposed to them. How do you justify this? Are you going to tweet about the revolution? The latest protest? I've only seen you tweet about what you ate for breakfast.
Now you can enjoy Facebook and YouTube all day instead of having meaningful, genuine interactions with the world.
This is what you look like when you talk on your smartphone. Fuck you.
Hahahahahaha, this is awesome! Tickles me to death.