Saturday, October 2, 2010

Funny How Things Are

There are plenty of things I've done in the past few days that I didn't think I'd ever do (or do again)...

1. Go to a renaissance festival
2. Sneak into a renaissance festival (to elaborate I followed a hippie into the woods, walked on logs across creeks, and laid on the forest floor in wait following army-like hand signals from him to 'get down' 'stay there' 'be quiet' or 'come on' all while dressed in odds and ends of clothes that I found in the backseat of my car)
3. Hang out with more wiggers (wiggas?) than I could possibly handle at one time
4. Drink super cheap red wine (I thought I finished with that shit in 2009)
5. Eat a whole container of hummus in one sitting... damn.

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