Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I meant to add to previous list:

6. Riding on THE BACK of a scooter

This sign is not posted on every street in Baltimore, it is just apparently necessary for my block. All my plans have gone out the window.

This is the romantic dinner I recently prepared all by myself, note the Texas Pete standing side by side with the bottle of wine

My friend and I were messing around, and this picture was taken as I was trying to grab my phone out of his hand. This is my combative face. Working on it is now on my 'to do' list. I was told it was "adorable and a tad slutty... so perfect!" -- direct quote from Shane Cinal

And this is Nino, who I am trying to replace Calvin with. We love each other, she's even started coming when I snap my fingers and clawing at my door when it is closed.

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