Friday, April 24, 2009

Post 'Querque Binge Eating

Today when I returned from Albuquerque I ate 2 containers of yogurt, a sandwich, a healthy amount of almonds, a Cadbury Cream Egg and a giant Hershey's Kiss that had melted at some point. During this process I may or may not have consumed a small amount of tin foil.
Albuquerque does not have a reputation for glamor. And, in honesty, most of what I saw was freeways, gas stations (which sell liquor, wtf?), the relatively shitty end of University Boulevard, and of course, the Hilton. However, riding on the city bus through downtown and into Old Town was a pleasure. Buildings slowly covered the mountainous landscapes, and suddenly, walking into old town, the buildings drop and you are surrounded by adobe walls, the peaks of the mountains still visible in the distance, stray cats, and the nicest Roman Catholic homeless people either.
In Old Town...
1. I danced with 5 relative strangers in a gazebo feigning drunkness while they exclaimed that we were employed by the government
2. I was blessed by a homeless (?) man in a very, very dark grotto tucked between businesses lit with candles.
3. Helped to capture a massive "New Mexican" moth
4. Fawned over a cat named Charlie

Upon my return from New Mexico I discovered that I am not as brave as I once was, because I was terrified for the entirety of the hour long flight. Doesn't it seem unnatural to be traveling at excessive speeds hundreds of miles above the earth? Asking for trouble.

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