Saturday, November 19, 2011

Perhaps you are like me and enjoy giving people gifts but really hate spending money. If you are like me, you will also have been blessed with the ability to craft like a motherfucker.

I made this candle garden (?) for my godparents for Christmas. I just bought candles at the dollar store, bay leaves at the mercado and (I'm going to be honest here) shoplifted raffia from Hobby Lobby. Glue the leaves to the candles, tie it beautifully, maybe add some embellishments, and you have a nice gift for roughly $6.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I made this tonight in order to express my love for the southwest. Obviously, it was a very easy project, what was more difficult was coming up with the proper concept to showcase on this lovely piece of jewelry. I added four dried sage leaves from a plant I grew myself, and the feather of a mourning dove. I've been collecting feathers for awhile now, this one just seemed to be the most appropriate variety for this particular piece of jewelry. Jewelry making is so fun, and what I make (mostly earrings) has always been very well received. I'm also selling this on Etsy.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

this braided scarf was made entirely from salvaged materials. The green fabric was upholstery from a theatre shop in Indiana, the black from my weirdo roommate's past costume making for Renaissance Festivals.

For the records, I actually think that fact from my roommate's past is awesome.


Monday, November 7, 2011

starting Theresa's Kwanzaa present today, but can't post any pictures of it because she is a snoop.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

if you like tea, you'll like this project.

Blend whatever loose teas you enjoy, and then cut coffee filters into rectangles (use cone filters, the flatter the better, fuck those ridges), sew three sides with non-toxic (if colored) embroidery floss, fill with tea, then fold and staple. Make tags and adorable packaging if you like.

PS- if you like the Wallace Stevens themed tea I've made here, you can buy it on Etsy.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Agent Cooper Prayer Candle-- remarkably easy project. I just printed a color picture at Kinko's and decoupaged a plain white prayer candle I got at the dollar store. I mostly used heavy construction paper and old lace curtains. I'm not entirely done, but will post the finished product soon.

Can we also pause to appreciate how good my hair looks? I french braided this on Monday, I have been really into this matronly look for three days.

Monday, October 17, 2011

good crafting music. I've been listening to Chelsea Wolfe all day long.

Friday, October 7, 2011


I keep feeling the need to make a note that this sweater is definitely not my best embroidery work. Yet, I think it is going to be incredibly cute when donned by the dog I love. I couldn't make a template for this by drawing the design on because of the quality of the sweater itself, which wouldn't hold ink, so I embroidered it all freehand, I guess you could say.
Embroidery is an incredibly easy and incredibly attractive craft. I suggest using actual embroidery floss, because you get the best stitches that way. All you need to do is draw on the pattern and stitch it in your selected colors.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I have been gone for a long, long time. I know, I know, it made me sad too. I just really like tumblr. In an effort to remain productive and to maintain this blog. I think I'm going to make it into a craft blog. It will contain images of things I have made, and explanations and instructions regarding the process.

Here is a sample of cool stuff I have made, get excited:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I would never want to live in a world where Calvin did not exist.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


in no particular order:

3.Ancient Rome

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Georgia O'Keeffe describing New Mexico

"Such a beautiful, untouched lonely feeling place, such a fine part of what I call the 'Faraway'"

Abbey took this self portrait.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.
Jean-Paul Sartre

Days of the New*

New suntan lines

New tattoo

New friend

New chilly spring style

*I do not actually listen to Days of the New.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The world is a cruel and miserable place, and I am cruel and miserable in it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"The books transported her into new worlds and introduced her to amazing people who lived exciting lives. She went on olden-day sailing ships with Joseph Conrad. She went to Africa with Ernest Hemingway and to India with Rudyard Kipling. She travelled all over the world while sitting in her little room in an English village."
— Roald Dahl (Matilda)


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Did ya'll know I have a motherfuckin' TUMBLR?

It is where I store pictures and words I think are interesting, embroidery I want to copy, or things I want to draw. All colored with various humorous things. BUT I don't do GIFs. So annoying.

I would have been SO GOOD at Tumblr in high school. So good.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I am making the most badass mixed tape for my penpal!
Here is the track listing as it stands:

Side A:
1. Modern Day F Word -Antiproduct
2. Rape Culture -Foul Crux
3. At the Museum -Punkin Patch
4. Green & Red -Bad Banana
5. Dead to Me -Margaret Thrasher
6. Paper Airplane, Paper Heart -Everyone Asked About You
7. The Benefit of the Doubt -Dark Dark Dark
8. Grey Skies -The Two Funerals
9. Gimme Brains -Bratmobile
10. Dog -Lemuria
11. A Stranger Broke my Finger, but You Broke my Heart -Sand Witches

Side B:
12. Resiste La Colonizacion! -Tragatelo
13. Burn These Bridges -Rape Revenge
14. Skate for Pretty -Minor Disturbance
15. Resilient Bastard -RVIVR
16. Foul Mouth -Screaming Females
17. Tennessee -P.S. Eliot
18. Tour Song -Slingshot Dakota
19. Blood Red States -Witch Hunt
20. Fuck Men Get Money -Womb Raider
21. Fuck It -Deathrats
22. Mastabatory Song - Raooul
23. Machismo -Sand Witches

IT RULES! Make one of your one, perhaps.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The pilcrow [¶] is not just some typographic curiosity, useful only for livening up a coffee-table book on graphic design or pointing the way to a paragraph in a mortgage deed, but a living, breathing character with its roots in the earliest days of punctuation. Born in ancient Rome, refined in medieval scriptoria, appropriated by England's most famous modern typographer and finally rehabilitated by the personal computer, the story of the pilcrow is intertwined with the evolution of modern writing. It is the quintessential shady character.

From the Shady Characters Blog. Elevating my pilcrow tattoo to deeper meaning.

Another interesting blog regarding the wonder and hilarity of the written word: The "Blog" of Unnecessary Quotation Marks.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Could you guys donate money to my paypal?

I want to get a tattoo, but I don't want to work any harder than I already do to get it.

I was quoted at $300.


My e-mail is, and that is how you can find me on paypal.

so please send those paypal payments.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Skin-tight with longing, like dangerous girls,
the tomatoes reel, drunk
from the vine.

The corn, its secret ears
studded like microphones, transmits August
across the field: paranoid crickets, the noise of snakes
between the stalks, peeling themselves from

I am burdened as the sky,
clouds, upset buckets pour
their varnish onto earth.

Last year you asked if I was
faint because of the blood. The tomatoes
bristled in their improbably skins,

This is one way to say it.
The girl gone, you left.

and this another.
Last year in August I hung
my head between my knees, looked up
flirting with atmosphere
but you were here
and the sky had no gravity.

Now love falls from me,
walls from a besieged city
When I move the mountains shrug off.
Skin, horizon shudders, I wear the moon
a cowbell

My symptom:
the earth's
constant rotation.

On the surface the sea argues.
The tide pulls water like a cloth
from the table, beached boats, dishes
left standing. Without apology
nature abandons us.
Returns, promiscuous, and slides between
sheets, unspooling the length
of our bodies

Black wild rabbits beside the lighthouse
at Letite. They disappear before
I am certain I've seen them.
Have they learned this from you?

I read the journal of the boy who starved
to death on the other side of a river
under trees grown so old he would not feed them
to a signal fire. His last entry:
August 12 Beautiful Blueberries!

Everything I say about desire or
hunger is only lip service
in the face of it.

Still there were days I know
your mouth gave that last taste of blue.

When you said you were
I pictured a tree;
spring, the green
nippled buds

not the fall
when we are banished
from the garden.

Another woman fell
in love with the sea,
land kissed by salt, the skin
at the neck a tidal zone, she rowed
against the escaping tide
fighting to stay afloat.

To find the sea she had to turn her back to it,

The sea is a wound
and in loving it
she learned to love what goes missing.

Once the raspberries grew
into our room, swollen as the
brains of insects, I dreamt a
wedding. We could not find our
way up the twisted ramp, our from under
ground, my hair earth-damp.

I woke. A raspberry bush clung to us
sticky as the toes of frogs.
A warning: you carried betrayal
like a mantis
folded to your chest- legs, wings, tongue
would open, knife
the leaves above us.

If I could step into
your skin, my fingers
into your fingers putting on
gloves, my legs, your legs,
a snake zipping
up. If I could look
out of your tired eyeholes
brain of my brain,
I might know
why we failed.
(Once we thought the same
thoughts, felt the same things.)

A heavy cloak, I wear
you, an old black wing
I can't shrug off.

O heart of my heart,
come home. O flesh,
come to me before the worm, before earth
ate the girl,
before you left without

You said, there are women
I know whose presence
changes the quality of air

I am not one of those. The leaves
lift and sigh, the river
keeps saying the unsayable things.
I hesitate to prod the corn from the coals
though I have soaked it in Arctic water.
I stop the knife near the tomato
skin, all summer coiled there.
You are not coming back.

One step is closer to
the fire.

September will fall
with twilight's metal
loose change
from a pocket. Quicker than an
oar can fight water,
I will look up from my feet
catch the leaves red-handed
embracing smoke.

Around me, lost things gather
for an instant
in earth-dark air.

-Esta Spalding

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I like her alright...

but overrated, right?

I mean, if she wasn't an attractive woman writing a lot about sex, would anyone have noticed her for her style?

Sex is an easy sell, even in literature. It is harder to garner attention and admiration when you are writing about stuff like morality, ethics. Give me Flannery O'Connor over Anais Nin anyday.

Theresa, Michael, random people from Malaysia. Please weigh in on this.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I don't know if I remember how to write anymore.

Except product descriptions.

Somehow, other kinds of art just seem easier.
I'm internet famous!!!!!!


Hateful Holy Week

Maybe I should move to Austin. Maybe I should go away somewhere (my roommate plays the shittiest music so loudly).


Break-ins through my window, studded cell phone holders, yelling during acoustic sets, resurrections.

I don't see anything good about this life.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm going to be a better person and use my time more wisely.
Which means not talking to you any more and not spending so many hours looking out of windows thinking of you.
Bikes, dogs and pizza.
More coffee with coconut milk, absolutely no facebook.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

from a 2004 article by the New York Times about the loneliest whale in the world. Scientists have been tracking her since 1992 and they discovered the problem:

She isn’t like any other baleen whale. Unlike all other whales, she doesn’t have friends. She doesn’t have a family. She doesn’t belong to any tribe, pack or gang. She doesn’t have a lover. She never had one. Her songs come in groups of two to six calls, lasting for five to six seconds each. But her voice is unlike any other baleen whale. It is unique—while the rest of her kind communicate between 12 and 25hz, she sings at 51.75hz. You see, that’s precisely the problem. No other whales can hear her. Every one of her desperate calls to communicate remains unanswered. Each cry ignored. And, with every lonely song, she becomes sadder and more frustrated, her notes going deeper in despair as the years go by.
Today I took my first epic hike in the Sandia Mountain Wilderness and Cibola National Forest. After navigating the Saturn down some unsettlingly primitive roads, I reached the trail head. There is a certain degree of joy in taking the Saturn off the beaten path.

I took a moment to peruse the map of trails and various warnings. Hikers in the Sandias die from falling trees all the time, apparently. And did you know this?:

"Visitors might be surprised to learn that fleas carrying bubonic plague can sometimes be found in New Mexico. Stay away from dead rodents that you might come across while in the wilderness."

If the threat of falling trees and the plague was not exciting enough- there are cougars and bears too! The signs instructed me to never hike alone, but I'm no coward.

Less than a quarter of a mile into this hike, I encountered a shirtless man whose skin had the quality of... I don't know. It looked extremely smooth and extremely sunburned. He also warned me about hiking alone. He strongly insisted that I find a stick and carry it with me. "Why?" you might ask. Perhaps to make my walk more peaceful and relaxing? For something to lean on? No, nothing quite so tame. This stick was explicitly to be used (this is a direct quote from the grandfatherly man with a sunburn) to "beat the shit out of a mountain lion."

That's correct. If a mountain lion attacks you, you should always attempt to beat the shit out of it. This is my stick:

Yes, despite being vegan and newly able to articulate a more radical than ever stance on animal rights, if it came down to it, I would bludgeon a cougar that wanted to eat me with this thing. I selected this stick after misplacing my first one when I stopped to have a snack and drink water. I nearly discarded this stick after a sharp protrusion cut my leg, but then decided this was actually just a reason to keep this particular stick.

I did not see any mountain lions, bears or dead rodents, though.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Listening to this song by Sand Witches, incidentally from Bloomington.

I don't like pretending, because i don't like lying, because i think that everything counts. so i'll have to admit that i still miss you. and i feel like you are winning, because you have her and you have a job while i spent that weekend getting rained on in Cleavland. and i hate that she has the same name as my cousin, and more freckles than i do, and she's quite a bit taller. so i feel kind of strange talking about this in public, or over the pa system in my basement, but my friends think that you have bad hair and you made my cry. so to them you're an easy target. i have twenty dollars in library dues on books that i've been renewing since march at the latest. and it's one of the few things that makes me feel less adult. that and the fact that i don't like wearing socks. well i grew up between baltimore and dc, so i am already used to hating august. and i'm good at being mean, and dealing with traffic, and i had a lisp when i was thirteen. so i know how it feels to be scared to talk, but man that day you sort of did it all wrong. and there are only two pictures of us together that i know of, and you don't even want me, but you own them both. what the fuck?


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I want someone to make this for me SO bad, that is why I hath included the recipe.
Yes, this tofu is crispy. And yes it is golden. But, it is also pretty darn tasty. The mustard and the hot sauce combined with the spices makes it rather delightful on its own, or topped with a sauce of your choice. It is important to press the tofu well so there is not too much water trying escape during cooking that will sog your breading. The panko is also essential. Lastly, I don't see any reason why you could not bake these at 450 for 15-20 mins or so per side (spray lightly with oil, perhaps), but I have not tried it myself.

- 1 pkg extra firm tofu

- 1 1/4 cup plain soy milk
- 2 tbsp mustard
- 2 tbsp hot sauce
- 1/2 tsp salt

- 3/4 cup flour
- 1 tsp salt
- large pinch ground pepper
- 1 tsp poultry spice
- 1 tsp paprika (smoked if you have it)

- about 1 1/2 cups panko crumbs

- oil for frying

1. Cut tofu into 12 slices. Line a baking sheet with a towel, then place the tofu on top. Put a towel on top of the tofu, then put another baking sheet on top of that. Put a weight on top and press the tofu for 15 mins.
2. Get a frying pan heating on the stove over medium to medium high heat.
3. Whisk together soy milk, mustard, hot sauce, and salt in a medium bowl. Whisk together flour and spices in a another. Place 1/2 cup of the panko crumbs in yet another bowl.
4. Dip a piece of the tofu into the soy milk mixture, then dredge in the flour mixture. Set on a baking sheet. Repeat with all the tofu.
5. Add about 1/4 inch of oil to the frying pan. Re-dip 4 pieces in the soy milk mixture, then toss in the panko crumbs (one at a time of course, adding more panko to the bowl if needed). Fry for a few mins per side, until golden and crispy (adjusting heat as needed). Drain on paper towels or a paper bag.
6. Add fresh panko the bowl (another 1/2 cup or so) and repeat step 5 with another four pieces, adding more oil as needed. Repeat again with the remaining four pieces.

NOTE: a few pieces of panko will fall off during cooking that will start to burn and stick to your next pieces of tofu. If you don't care, then great. If you do care, then remove these pieces with a slotted spoon between batches.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ahhhhh torturing myself with too much time while dogsitting. I don't want to love anyone any more!
but you're the coolest and I can't wait to see you.
Female fronted hardcore comp. vol. 1

I feel like a know a bazillion people who would really like this
a bunch of cool stuff:
Abolitionist vegans

Slayer's masterwork

from Theresa's blog: Things that are Ridiculous

This band from Bloomington

Liz Prince

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Portlandia is overhyped and with the material they have, could be a way better show, but I still think that this is hilarious.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

“Everything is more complicated than you think. You only see a tenth of what is true. There are a million little strings attached to every choice you make; you can destroy your life every time you choose. But maybe you won’t know for twenty years. And you may never ever trace it to its source. And you only get one chance to play it out. Just try and figure out your own divorce. And they say there is no fate, but there is: it’s what you create. And even though the world goes on for eons and eons, you are only here for a fraction of a fraction of a second. Most of your time is spent being dead or not yet born. But while alive, you wait in vain, wasting years, for a phone call or a letter or a look from someone or something to make it all right. And it never comes or it seems to but it doesn’t really. And so you spend your time in vague regret or vaguer hope that something good will come along. Something to make you feel connected, something to make you feel whole, something to make you feel loved. And the truth is I feel so angry, and the truth is I feel so fucking sad, and the truth is I’ve felt so fucking hurt for so fucking long and for just as long I’ve been pretending I’m OK, just to get along, just for, I don’t know why, maybe because no one wants to hear about my misery, because they have their own. Well, fuck everybody. Amen.”

—synecdoche, new york.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Album Review: Ex Wife- Everything Was Beautiful

Yes, I'm pretty sick of everyone quoting Vonnegut: "everything was beautiful and nothing hurt." But honestly, the use of those words has never sounded less derivative.

It seems like everyone is extremely excited about Ex Wife's newest EP, June. As I was unable to purchase it from Bandcamp or download it from MediaFire, I am woefully behind the curve and am reviewing their only full length, Everything Was Beautiful, which came out last year or something. Yet, its new to me and perhaps to you, too.

Ex Wife makes me want to rock out, which you may or may not know- I don't do very often. I am seduced by the spare lyrics of these songs and the catchy blend of emo/hardcore/pop that these New Jersey natives are creating.

I feel like this review is already falling flat because I can't express the way these tracks resonate with me, feeling somehow like being a teenager again sitting in my empty garage smoking a cigarette, feeling sad for the sake of it. Simultaneously, knowing that the same sadness I craved so long ago isn't glamorous or beautiful. It just hurts. Everything Was Beautiful speaks to the girl on either side of the timeline of growing up.

I've only heard the title track from the newest EP and it is immediately evident that the two men behind Ex Wife don't intend to rehash an old sound-- although they seem to be rehashing old subject matter. Whatever. It never gets old to me. With lyrics like these (do you still feel so cold even though you now own half my clothes? they fit you better anyway. youve ruined this place for me but its okay. ill find another park to do drugs and waste away. ill be fine i guess, ive just been seeing you everywhere in your favorite dress, the summer in your hair.) I can't wait to spend the summer in the high desert with this as company.

Download Everything Was Beautiful Here:
Buy or listen to June EP Here:

You're not going to call, are you? Damn.

I was just going to sleep on your futon and then break your heart, anyway.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Book Review: Speaker for the Dead

Despite several pitfalls during my consumption of this novel, the sequel to Orson Scott Card's beloved Ender's Game, I've finally finished it.

In the introduction to the novel, Card proclaims that Ender's Game was simply an exercise that had to be completed to provide a necessary background for the book he wanted to write all along, Speaker for the Dead. This comment gave me unrealistically high hopes. The book starts off at a break speed pace- we have murder, we have mystery, we are immediately introduced to the major themes of the novel: the politics of assimilation and otherness, the role of technology in our lives, and the ever pertinent and interesting ways in which Ender navigates these issues and his own redemption.

After spending thousands of years jet setting around multiple galaxies, disguising his true identity and remaining eerily young, Ender has found the planet where he will stay and complete his life's work. The completion, however, is not a straightforward or easy task. First, Ender has to play the politician, the priest and the ambassador to various groups of humans and other species, most notably, the Piggies. The Piggies are an "alien" species carefully observed and studied on the planet. Yet, as their primary ambassadors (xenologers) turn up murdered for several generations, residents become more and more wary and the mystery and driving force of Speaker for the Dead is introduced. Due to laws born out of the xenocide that takes place in Ender's Game, human beings can neither ask direct questions or pass judgment on the Piggies (and, aside from a few, most do not interact with them, the entire human colony being fenced in with Piggies kept on the outside). Discovering the Piggies' motivation, which influences the question that is asked again and again in the story, "are they like us? Or are they alien?" is what Card relies upon to keep the reader turning the page.

I won't give away the answer, but I will say that I was disappointed. The last one hundred pages of the book felt like a hasty summation of a number of themes and story elements that were otherwise slowly developed. The most fascinating parts of the story were reduced to semi-religious, ill suited magic tricks that aren't very satisfying unless, perhaps, you are a Mormon, as Card is. Maybe it is inevitable that Card's devotion should influence his work, but it was conspicuously (and thankfully) absent from Ender's Game, but in this novel it provided a too convenient and too proselytizing conclusion. Not too mention a love story mostly absent from book, but overburdened in the last thirty pages for the sake of a happy ending. The love plot and rushed pacing of the story as we neared the end even diminished my love of Ender, who seemed to become an overbearing and tactless diplomat.

Despite developmental handicaps and a bit too much preaching for my taste, there remain moments in Speaker for the Dead that are deeply effecting- moments that the story hinges upon and practically make the entire novel worth reading. Card is like the Nabokov of young adult science fiction-- some moments seem so real, and cut so accurately to the truth and wonder of human experience that pages of drudgery become a necessary and joyful task.

Do I recommend this book? For Ender fans, religious folks, and critics, yes. For those would not like to engage very deeply with the writing, it doesn't seem worth it.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

chicas guapas + chamomile whiskey

Upon reviewing yesterday's entry... I could be the most self absorbed of them all.

... So many pictures of myself.


It is impossible to buy a 40 in Albuquerque. I looked at several fine establishments yesterday (among them a 7-11, a Walgreen's and a Circle K). While at this party I saw a girl with a 40 of Miller High Life, when I asked her where she got it she said Santa Fe.

I drank 48 oz. of Tecate, then abruptly left during a stupid psychedelic rock band with a generic name, watched people fight in the street, was so SO pleased to remember there was a crushed cookie in my backpack, ate it, fell asleep, woke up with a headache surrounded by chocolate chips.

Friday, March 25, 2011

I don't like the poetry that I write
and I don't like most people who write poetry
I hate people who share their poetry
and am jealous of them at the same time
that they could be so self effacing
and put their hearts/souls/minds/ego on a social networking site
because they're not embarrassed to be such narcissists
and put their bullshit words next to glamor shots they took in their bathroom
I really do hate most people I think
but I'm no so scared that they hate me
because I'm pretty cowardly and nice
I'm scared to hate everyone so much because it makes me lonely
and the people I actually like, really do like people who write poetry

that is not a poem, it just someone came out in short sentences.
i used to write a lot of poetry, but i stopped liking it as i become less self absorbed.
not to say all poets are self absorbed. just most of them.

Wallace Stevens, however, raised poetry beyond the level of self involvement.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I am that naive. I'm going to move on, but I'm going to really, really miss the past. One foot on each side of a summer. That's my timeline.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Things That are Ridiculous: Ridiculously Awesome - Advice from Lil Wayne

My sister is wise beyond her years, and as such, she points to Lil Wayne for valuable love advice. Seriously, this quote resonates with me. Read her post by clicking on the link below!

Things That are Ridiculous: Ridiculously Awesome - Advice from Lil Wayne: " Let's face it-Lil Wayne is a pretty cool guy.And he is on EVERY track I ever hear and I spend epic amounts of time listening to the..."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Coolest Person You Know?

depends on how many people you know.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


When I briefly lived in Baltimore, I enjoyed a lot about the city-- its compactness, the grime, high art standing shoulder to shoulder with rundown buildings, abandoned warehouses. There was a lot to love. Yet, never before had I felt so threatened by random men on the street. I'll never forget walking home at 2am (not a good decision to begin with) and having a group of three guys follow me nearly the entire way saying things that made me cringe. I remember how horrified I was when someone suggested that it was because of the way I dressed.

Harassment like this isn't about sexual attraction or flattery, as so many people have pointed out. It's about power and control.

That's why sites like Hollaback! Baltimore are NECESSARY.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

I can't decide if I care about fashion

seriously, me either.

Friday, February 4, 2011


why do I love this so much?

I will listen to this on the long drive home today.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


1. Awake at 10am
2. Finish Tupac pillow

3.Obliging boy takes me out to coffee
(anticipated numbers, these have not yet come to pass)
4. I bake vegan cake
5. I stalk boy at Bloomingfoods (and buy myself kombucha)
6. I go out to Laughing Planet for lunch
7. I finish watching Return of the Jedi
8. I smoke a cigarette (because I have been able to do so for... seven years now? I do not take full advantage)
9. Is it 5:59 pm yet? I am officially 25.
10. I go out to dinner to Amol India
11. I see whatever bands are playing at The Bishop and drink beer
12. I sleep
13. I feel old

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Pope Wants You...

to Facebook?



Saturday, January 22, 2011

Today I really miss working here, with these guys:

and in my free time hanging out with this down ass bitch:

occasionally doing stuff like this:

hanging out with dogs:

with strange men sleeping on my futon, like, every single day:

getting really fucking tired of visiting the grand canyon:

enjoying dinners straight from the trash:

chewing tobacco with my family:


whore breakfasts:

even AmeriCorps:

One of the best years of my life, easily:

as I walk,well, its more like a retarded, headlong stumble... into the future.